Huge Investment Opportunity
If you are an active Investor; we would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

Welcome to THERON AEROSPACE CORPORATION, LLC. Our first project is referred to as the Theron Aerospace Turbine.
This is a US $ 1.8 Billion market per year now in 2022 but is projected to reach about USD 4.81 Billion by 2032 according to research from Polaris Market Research.
Airplanes typically fly 500 mph and land at around 180 mph. There are around 27 000 aircraft in service now.
With the Theron Aerospace Turbine bolted to each outside tire’s rim, as soon as the aircraft lowers its landing gear before a landing, our wind turbine will speed up all tires to the same speed as the aircraft is flying. This will prevent over 90% of aircraft tire wear and save the airlines millions per year. Airline Companies must purchase annual replacement contracts with us.

Below is a perfect example of the tires being ripped to shreds upon landing on a B2 Bomber.

Why would any sane person not want to improve the landing gear of this $2 Billion plane to prevent a blowout that could destroy the plane, like for example what happened to the Concord?
Become an Investor with us.
Investor benefits:
Funding Needed $5 million
- THERON AEROSPACE (a Florida company) builds and secures all Turbine parts, designs, and engineering, and ships them to our clients.
- Since Theron Aerospace LLC (a Florida company), is the Private company and part of the flagship company THERON TECHNOLOGIES, and we currently have no national or international aerospace turbine competition, we can literally sell turbines to anyone anywhere.
- Our investor Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 30% on your investment.
- Terms ARE negotiable! Around 1 year.
- All investors will get a portfolio of Prefered Stock Options for each dollar invested. ($1 to 1 share) to do with as you please.
- We will accept “Partner Shares“.
- We are a Frontline Environmental Aerospace company that maximizes all efforts to be a completely GREEN company.
- Investors are investing in our Florida company: Florida does not have personal State or Local income taxes.
Please note, this offer will reduce in size and offering the more we reach our funding goal.
To understand what an accredited investor is or how to become one, please click here.